Recently I participated in a little photo shoot action with one of my favorite Minnesotan’s and a really good girlfriend of mine who owns a beautiful online store. You can read all about her amazing story and online boutique at Velvet Moon. It is really amazing to watch your friends grow and build a business and I couldn’t be happier about this one in particular. We had amazing professionals for hair, makeup and photography. So I wanted to share these artists work and a few of the photos that stood out from the shoot. Seriously, I had the absolute best time. And this is going to sound so silly, but I was actually tired afterwards and I was doing absolutely nothing but standing around and posing!!! Made me want to give models a little bit more credit for the work that goes into every shoot!
Thanks to Rachel VonBank – Makeup, Lydia & Emilie of L&E Photography, Hair – Wow Bar, and of course gorgeous Wardrobe – Velvet Moon. ENJOY!