The night before my fortieth birthday, I was bathing the kids sipping a glass of wine and feeling nervous excitement. The following day I would wake up forty. I text my husband, “This is my last night in my thirties.” That is when it hit me. A new decade. A new mindset. All the opportunities are waiting.

On the drive to the party, I had all the feelings. How is forty already here? You’re officially in the second act of life. You have two amazing little boys, a fun-loving husband, and friends who have loved you through all of it.
What a gift, sis.

I have been told that this so-called golden era is one of the best. I’m excited to find out. Safe to say it’s off to a pretty fabulous start.
I owe a special thanks to so many people. My friends and family, for taking time out of their busy lives to make this day a forever memory. Every phone call, text, message, and card meant so much. You filled my cup to the brim.

I am sharing four life lessons for four decades. Tell me yours in the comments; I love hearing your wisdom.
- You hold the key to your happiness. If you’re stuck, turn on the music, full blast, and dance. Listen to a mindset podcast, and meditate. Turn off bravo, the housewives, and the noise. Pick up your journal. Put your phone on airplane mode. Walk in the grass barefoot. Write out your gratitude. Find it!
- Nothing is perfect. LET ME REPEAT! Nothing! Relationships, houses, trips, bodies, families, parents, NONE OF IT IS PERFECT! Let go.
- Protect your Peace. No response is one of the most powerful, and the older you become, the more you will understand that power. Use it. Frequently.
- Pray. On your knees, out loud, on the phone with your mom or friend. Prayer is powerful.

A heart of gratitude to those who poured into this celebration.
The Hewing Hotel and team for hosting (Jennifer, thank you – the sparklers were fabulous!); Stay Golden Permanent Jewelry – Britt, you are a gem, and I adore my bracelets; Alpha-Lit, you made the party shine; Minnie’s Cookies for the exquisite sugar cookies; and my friend and photographer Morgan Manney for capturing this day.

The Hewing was the ideal spot to celebrate; the rooftop view is the best in the twin cities. The whole feel of this hotel is sexy and very adult-ish, which felt perfectly on brand for forty—starting to understand this golden era!
I will let the photos speak for themselves because we had a glorious time, and I wish we could do it again.

If you’re a fellow 1983 baby, celebrate it! Go big. Go live it.
I love these photos. The sparklers. My hubby’s joy. A room filled with forever friends. Zero regrets!

So much love. So much gratitude.
Forty. My arms are wide open. There is no stopping aging, wrinkles, and time, but I am here for it. Cheers to the next forty!

With love,