It’s Time to Sound the Alarm! Leo is Four.
Four years old! I cannot believe I was holding this little boy in my arms four years ago and watching his every move while thinking, how am I a mom? These last four years have [...]
It’s Back to School with Pottery Barn Kids
Back to school is sneaking up faster than I can believe! It is even harder to believe that both of my sweet kiddos will attend preschool this year. Can we all agree that it went [...]
Saving the Planet one tree at a time with Pottery Barn Kids + A $500 Giveaway
Taking Leo's bedroom from baby to toddler is still, to this day, one of my favorite projects we have tackled at the house. I could not love this room more. It is warm, comfortable, and [...]
Calling all Party Animals for a Two Year Old Birthday Soiree
Can someone tell me where the time went? How is our baby two? But really, TWO? Our little party animal had the best day celebrating. A memorable day filled with a lot of sugar and [...]
Have you made a list and checked it twice? Your go-to Christmas gift guide is here.
Anyone else making their Christmas list and feeling overwhelmed on where to start? That is exactly how I feel most years! But there are those rare holidays when, I am totally on it, [...]